Should You Believe in Chinese Zodiacs?

Should You Believe in Chinese Zodiacs?

Aside from observing traditions and superstitions, dressing up in new clothes, feasting, collecting ang pau and attending gatherings, one other thing that’s inevitable during Chinese New Year is the prediction or more accurately, feng shui reading based on your Chinese Zodiacs. This usually revolves around your career, love life, wealth and health amongst other things. Personally, I’m not a believer but it’s hard to ignore what’s been told to you or what you’ve read. And since we’re all about positivity here at megsmesh, we choose to focus on just that.

Instead of using the negatives as excuses to do or not do something, why not precondition your mind with the positives and use them as motivation! Here’s what we found and we’re hoping that they will serve as your booster 🙂

It’s a great career year for you to finish up whatever projects you have pending. You will be more capable of handling business and be appreciated for all your hard work.
It’s a great year for you to showcase your talent, as you will have a better career development. Do not be afraid to stand out and prove to others what you’re capable of.
It’s a great year for you to utilize the knowledge, experience and wisdom that you have garnered. You will be able to solve any challenges or problems that may come your way.
It’s a great year for you in terms of people relationship, be it in love or at work. Use this opportunity, as you will be able to work well with others and take your relationships to the next level.
It’s a great year for you with opportunities, choices and confidence to reach higher achievement. It seems to be a prosperous year for you in every aspect: career, wealth and love.
It’s a great year for you in career and money. You will have plenty of good opportunities this year so work hard and seize them.
It’s a great year for you, as your potential will be recognised. You’re going to have a good career development so utilize your network and friends who will be more than willing to help you get there.
It’s a great year to showcase your knowledge, experience and wisdom. You will earn the respect of others through your talent and experience and maintain a good reputation.
It’s a great year to show perseverance no matter what you do. As long as you have the right attitude, you’ll definitely soar despite the competition. You will be of great help to the people around you, so offer it to them with courtesy.
It’s a great year to stay focus and put in the time and effort for your career. Your social circle will expand this year too but it’s important to keep your friends and family close.
It’s a great year for you in money and career. You’re going to have great assistance. It’s definitely a joyful year for you in terms of building new relationships.
It’s a great year for you in terms of career, money and relationships. You’re going to be receiving a lot of support from the people around you, so make sure you appreciate and embrace them.

If you’ve read every single one of them, you’d notice that they all began with “It’s a great year…” Well, that’s because it should be! I won’t lie. I did read some “bad fortunes” but truth is, the year will be great if you make it to be 🙂


Disclaimer: I’m no Lillian Too or Joey Yap. All info was gathered from the net 😉


photos via Google Image and Jon Teo

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